
期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Advanced Engineering Materials is a new international journal published by WILEY-VCH in close cooperation with the German Materials Science Society, DGM. This interdisciplinary journal appears 12 times a year and covers all aspects at the forefront of engineering materials and advanced technologies.

It publishes international news from industry, academia, government or research foundations, book reviews, and a conference calendar relevant for materials scientists and engineers as well essays and correspondence to enable a lively discussion among its interdisciplinary readership. The core of Advanced Engineering Materials is the scientific section which contains review articles, communications, and research news. The journal is published in English. No page charge is levied.

It is within the aims of Advanced Engineering Materials that contributors bear the interdisciplinary nature of the readership in mind, always emphasizing the importance of the topic to workers in other fields. Thus, the journal not only reports scientific results but enables the further rapid development of the interdisciplinary area of materials science and engineering, one of the most important topics for tomorrows society.


Instructions to Authors


Advanced Engineering Materials is an international journal that appears 12 times a year and covers all aspects of materials science and engineering. It publishes essays, review articles, communications, research news, correspondence, book reviews, and a conference calendar, in English. No page charge is levied. Contributors should bear the interdisciplinary nature of the readership in mind, always emphasizing the importance of the topic to workers in other fields. Four copies of the manuscript plus original artwork should be sent to:

Advanced Engineering Materials
Pappelallee 3
D-69469 Weinheim
Tel: (+49) 6201 606 235
Fax: (+49) 6201 606 500
e-mail: aem@wiley-vch.de

Authors of all articles will receive immediate acknowledgement of receipt of their manuscript. All contributions are subject to refereeing and/or assessment by the editors. Contributions to all sections, except Communications and Materials Forum, are usually written on invitation. Authors are welcome to submit unsolicited articles but should consult the editors as early as possible.

A diskette containing the text, references, figure captions, and tables of the manuscript should be sent to the editorial office either when the hard copy of the manuscript is submitted (Essays, Research News) or upon notification of acceptance for publication (Communications, Reviews). The version on the diskette should be the revised version, if applicable. The software and hardware used should be specified (including the number of the version of the word-processing program). Word is preferred. Please also save the text as an RTF file. The use of LaTeX to prepare your paper is not recommended, but if you do use LaTeX, it is important that you send us all the style files so that we can convert your paper to a format that we can use. Figures should be supplied in electronic form if possible (in addition to original printouts), preferably as TIF or EPS files.

Reprints can be ordered when the proofs are returned to the publisher. Reprint rates are also available from the editorial office on request.

Categories of Contributions

Essays are a forum for news and opinion on topics of national and international interest. This can include, for example, news of funding and research organizations, societies, or points of controversy within materials science. Manuscripts should be 4-5 pages in length plus one display item (tables and figures). A passport-type photo and a short summary of the career to-date of the correspondence author(s) should be included.

Review Articles are peer-reviewed and give a general overview of a particular field, providing the reader with an appreciation of the importance of the work, a summary of recent developments, and a starting point in the specialist literature. Manuscripts should be between 15 and 20 pages in length and contain 9-12 display items. A passport-type photo and a short summary of the career to-date of the correspondence author(s) should be included.

Communications are unsolicited, peer-reviewed short reports of outstanding novel findings that also have important and general implications for specialists working in other fields. The first paragraph should summarize the reasons for undertaking the work and the main conclusions that can be drawn. The final paragraph should summarize the major conclusions of the paper. Manuscripts should be up to 7 pages in length and can have up to 3 display items.

Research News Articles are intended to inform non-specialist readers of recent developments at the forefront of materials science and technology. Manuscripts should be 5-6 pages in length and can contain up to 3 display items.

Materials Forum contains short news items, correspondence, and product and conference information. Single-page manuscripts, with or without a display item, are welcome.

Book/Journal/Software Reviews are usually written on request, but suggestions are always welcome. Publishers should send relevant books to the Book Review Editor. Unsolicited books not selected for review will not be returned.

Manuscript Styling

Manuscripts should be typed, with double line spacing, on one side of the paper only. An original and three copies of the printed manuscript are required, each accompanied by numbered artwork. Reference lists and figure legends should be submitted on separate sheets. Copies of relevant manuscripts in press or submitted elsewhere should be included, clearly marked as such.

Artwork should be marked individually and clearly with the author's name and the figure number. Figures with several parts are permitted only if the parts are closely related either experimentally or logically. Suggestions can be made for cover picture designs. Photographs should be supplied as glossy prints. If this is not possible for some reason, TIF or EPS files with the best possible resolution should be supplied, accompanied by a printout.

Color Artwork can be reproduced. The extra costs associated with this are expected to be met, in part, by the author. The author will be advised of the costs on acceptance of the manuscript for publication.

References should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. Only papers that are published or accepted for publication should be referenced. The footnote/endnote option provided by many text programs should not be used. In citing the literature, the format below should be followed as an example:

[1] D. Tromans, Acta Metall. Mater. 1994, 42, 2043.
[2] K. C. Frisch, Rubber Chem. Technol. 1980, 126.
[3] J. M. Cowley, in Electron Microscopy(Eds: S. Amelinckx, D. van Dyck, J. van Landuyt, G. van Tendeloo), WILEY-VCH, Weinheim 1997, 163.

Note that journal and book titles should be in italics, the year of publication in boldface type, and the volume number of journals in italics.

I would be pleased to help you if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

Jörn Ritterbusch


Dr. Jörn Ritterbusch

Advanced Engineering Materials
Pappelallee 3
D-69469 Weinheim

Tel: (+49) 6201 606 249
Fax: (+49) 6201 606 500
e-mail: aem@wiley-vch.de


Editorial Board

Editor: Peter Gregory
Associate Editor: Jörn Ritterbusch
Production: Irene Dolecki
Administration: Anja Brand
Marketing: Angelika Böhrnsen
Editorial Office: Advanced Engineering Materials
Pappelallee 3
D-69469 Weinheim

Phone: +49(0)6201/606-253
Fax: +49(0)6201/606-500
E-mail: aem@wiley-vch.de
Advertising: Simone Tremmel
Boschstrasse 12
D-69469 Weinheim

Phone: +49(0)6201/606-562
Fax: +49(0)6201/606-550
E-mail: adsales@wiley-vch.de
Advisory Board: C. Brinson, Northwestern Univ.
T. W. Clyne, Cambridge
T. Cox., General Electric
D. Eifler, Kaiserslautern
A. Ghosh, Michigan State
B. Gleeson, Iowa State
R. Kopp, Aachen
G. Kostorz, Zürich
H.-D. Kunze, Bremen
J. McKittrick, San Diego
H.E.H. Meijer, Eindhoven
W. Michaeli, Aachen
M. Rühle, Stuttgart
R. F. Singer, Erlangen
H. K. Tönshoff, Hannover
G. van Tendeloo, Antwerp
H. Uchida, Tokai Univ.
Publisher: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH
P. O. Box 10 11 61
D-69451 Weinheim

Phone: +49(0)6201/606-0
Fax: +49(0)6201/606-207

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