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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for Vol. 5 Issue 1

Aims and Scope

Climate change has become one of the most visible phenomena in the world today, recognized through the changes occurring to physical climates, natural and managed environments and social organizations, and also through deliberations about ethical responsibility and public policy.Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change offers a unique platform for exploring current and emerging knowledge from the many disciplines that contribute to our understanding of this phenomenon – environmental history, the humanities, physical and life sciences, social sciences, engineering and economics.  This publication has been developed in association with the Royal Meteorological Society and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in the UK and provides an important new encyclopedic reference for climate change scholarship and research. It also acts as a forum for gaining a wider set of perspectives about how climate change is understood, analyzed and contested around the world.

Abstracting and Indexing Information
  • Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)
  • ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ProQuest)
  • CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
  • Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
  • Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
  • GEOBASE (Elsevier)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)

Instructions to Authors

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Editorial Board


Mike Hulme

University of East Anglia, UK


Climate, History, Society, Culture

Matthias Heymann

Aarhus University, Denmark

Paleoclimates and Current Trends

Neville Nicholls

Monash University, Australia

Climate Models and Modeling

Eduardo Zorita

Institute for Coastal Research, Germany

Assessing Impacts of Climate Change

Timothy R. Carter

Finnish Environment Institute, Finland

Climate, Ecology and Conservation

Josef Settele

UFZ Centre for Environmental Research

Perceptions, Behavior and Communication of Climate Change

Irene Lorenzoni

University of East Anglia, UK

Lorraine Whitmarsh

Cardiff University, UK

Climate Economics

Gary Yohe

Wesleyan University, USA

Climate, Nature and Ethics

Stephen Gardiner

University of Washington, USA

Vulnerability and Adaption to Climate Change

Jon Barnett

University of Melbourne, Australia

The Carbon Economy and Climate Mitigation

Kelly Sims Gallagher

Tufts University, USA

Climate Development

Louis Lebel

Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Thailand

Policy and Governance

Matthew Hoffmann

University of Toronto, Canada

The Social Status of Climate Change Knowledge

Myanna Lahsen

The National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil


David Carson


Andrew Goudie

University of Oxford, UK

Mohan Munasinghe

Munasinghe Institute for Development, Sri Lanka

Tim O’Riordan

University of East Anglia, UK

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